Yoothika Baruah

Yoothika Baruah is a photographer from Bangalore, India. She is basically from Assam, but lives in Bangalore currently. She does photography in the field of outdoor portraits, babies, kids, maternity, food, and self portraits. She loves more of portraits. She plans to travel around the world in near future and get into fashion photography. She loves to learn new ways of seeing and capturing an object or a subject. Yoothika also wants to be a travel photographer to create some landscape beauty because she believes that nothing is compared to the nature beauty. All the clients she had worked for are happy with her work. Currently, she is working as a freelancer and very soon she is planning to be completely in photography.

Camera Gear: Canon EOS 80D
Lenses: Canon 50mm, 18-55mm, and 55-250mm
Current Location: Bangalore, India
500px: https://500px.com/ybaruah04/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/yoothika/
Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/delenaclicks/
Facebook: https://m.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100007746364361

Some of Yoothika Baruah’s Most Popular Award Achievements

Love for Strawberries by Yoothika Baruah

Love for Strawberries by Yoothika Baruah

I took this photograph with Canon 80D using the 50mm lens, in my room with no external lighting. I used the flash light for this trial and learning shot, but it...
A Bowl Full of Cherry by Yoothika Baruah

A Bowl Full of Cherry by Yoothika Baruah

I took this photograph with with Canon 80D using the 50mm lens, in natural morning lighting. It was taken from a distance, which gave this look to the photograp...

The Indian Flag by Yoothika Baruah
Love for Strawberries by Yoothika Baruah
A Bowl Full of Cherry by Yoothika Baruah
The Strawberries by Yoothika Baruah
Browse all Yoothika Baruah’s contributions in Light & Composition

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