List of Mexican Herbs and Spices
Mexican cuisine uses variety of Mexican Herbs and Spices, many of which are grown across the North America, while others were imported from similar climates.
English Name | Mexican |
Annatto | Achiote |
Amaranth | Amaranto |
Anise | Anís |
Avocado leaf | Hoja de aguacate |
Banana leaf | Hoja de platano |
Bean flower | Flor de frijol |
Bay leaf, Bay laurel | Laurel |
Balm-gentle | Toronjil |
Century plant | Corteza de maguey or mixiote |
Chia | Chía |
Cumin | Cominos |
Corn husk | Hoja de maíz |
Coriander, Chinese parsley | Cilantro |
Chamomille | Manzanilla |
Cuajes | Guajes |
Indian paintbrush | Hierba de conejo |
Lamb’s quarter | Quelites |
Lemon verbena | Lipia |
Lemon grass | Te limón |
Marjoram | Mejorana |
Mexican safflower) | Azafrán |
Oregano | Orégano |
Peppermint | Menta |
Purslane | Verdolaga |
Parsley | Perejil |
Rosemary | Romero |
Sweet basil | Albahaca |
Sesame | Ajonjolí |
Spearmint | Hierba buena |
Watercress | Berros |
Thyme | Tomillo |
Wormseed | Epazote |