List of Spanish Herbs and Spices
Spanish cuisine uses variety of Spanish Herbs and Spices, many of which are grown across the Europe, while others were imported from similar climates.
English Name | Spanish |
Anise | Anís |
Basil | Albahaca |
A bayleaf | Una hoja de laurel |
Borage | Borraja |
Caraway | Alcaravea |
Cardamom | Cardamomo |
Cayenne pepper | Pimienta de cayena |
Chervil | Perifollo |
Chili | Chile |
Chives | Cebollinos |
Cinnamon | Canela |
Cloves | Clavos |
Coriander | Cilantro, Coriandro |
Cumin | Comino |
Curry | Curry |
Dill | Eneldo |
Fennel | Hinojo |
Fenugreek | Fenogreco, Alholva |
Fines Herbes | Finas Hierbas |
Garlic | Ajo |
Ginger | Jengibre |
Juniper | Enebro |
Lemon balm | Melisa |
Lemon grass | Limoncillo |
Mace | Macis, Macia |
Marjoram | Mejorana |
Mint | Menta |
Mustard | Mostaza |
Nutmeg | Nuez moscada |
Oregano | Grégano |
Paprika | Pimentón dulce, Paprika |
Parsley | Perejil |
Pepper | Pimienta |
Peppermint | Hierbabuena |
Poppy seeds | Semillas de amapola |
Rosemary | Romero |
Saffron | Azafrán |
Sage | Salvia |
Savory | Ajedrea |
Sesame seeds | Semillas de ajonjolí/sésamo |
Spearmint | Menta verde |
Tarragon | Estragón |
Thyme | Tomillo |
Turmeric | Cúrcuma |
Vanilla | Vainilla |