
(Nootmuskaat, জায়ফল, Noix de Muscade or जायफल)

Comes from the seed of the nutmeg fruit, Nutmeg has more robust flavor than mace. It is used for flavoring many dishes associated with sweet and spicy dishes, such as pies, puddings, custards, cookies and spice cakes. Usually in ground or grated form, Nutmeg is best grated fresh in a nutmeg grater. In Indian cuisine, nutmeg is used in many sweet, as well as savory dish, especially those in Mughlai cuisine. It is used in small quantities in garam masala. In Indonesian cuisine, nutmeg is used in various dishes, mainly in many soups, such as soto soup, baso soup or sup kambing. In Middle Eastern cuisine, ground nutmeg is often used as a spice for savory dishes.

Nutmeg is known as:
Noix de Muscade



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