A Prayer for Peace

Where have you been all day? Busy with regular stuffs? With life and its obligations, planning your exhausted days and nights, super busy living life to the fullest? The roller coaster ride of life, oh its so much fun, no? But do you know what’s even more fun? Watching the mad world around us and letting it be mad as its being. Yeah I’m being ironical and if you’re aware of the recent developments of the Gaza crisis you know exactly what I am talking about.

Sorrow and Pain, by Olivier Vin

Sorrow and Pain, by Olivier Vin

Here is the picture taken by Olivier Vin during Israel’s Operation Cast Lead. Its a demonstration against violence in Gaza where over 30,000 people marched through Brussels as a peaceful protest. This lady handed a flyer where it is written: “Oradour, Lidice, Bande, Vassieux-en-Vercors, Amsterdam, Varsovie, Gaza, Hebron, Raffa, Beit Hanouin, Sabra, Chatila… so much martyr places where ones cruelty is egal to others barbary. Nothing looks more like a SS (soldier) than a
TSAHAL one”.

Look at the photograph and tell me, do you see the sorrow and pain in the eyes of that helpless woman? Can you feel it? What’s her fault? What if with a little twist of fate you had been in her place? Today the thin strip of land on the eastern Mediterranean and its 1.6 million inhabitants are once again drenched in blood, paying the ridiculous price for life. Don’t you think we all should protest, if not physically then by any means, in any little form at least? Let us all take some effort and show respect, protest and pray from heart, from our respective places all over the world. Share your thoughts and let me know your feelings about it.

Article written by: Ridita Mizan
Inspired by: Photo of the Day | July 17 | Sorrow and Pain, by Olivier Vin

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