All Roads Lead to Home

All roads lead home. Even when in the wilderness, we crave our home. Life is a journey. Some roads are rough and rocky, some very narrow to traverse. Sometimes, the path is well worn as many tread before us. Occasionally, we trudge on even though we have no idea where life is taking us. The most extravagant of life’s beauty awaits us at the end of the trail. There are stumbling blocks across our path that we must learn to jump over or be able to pick ourselves up and start over. Sometimes, we even turn around and go back to where we started. With each hurdle we leap, we are empowered to take on a more rocky and arduous road. But whatever the road we travel, it always leads us back home. Everyone dreams about leaving the nest as they believe they have much to give with so many years to live. Eventually, one-by-one, they all return and the urge to roam is gone. Because in the end, they realise that all roads lead to home.

All Roads Lead to Home

Cows Area, by Sergey Tomas

Photographer Sergey Tomas (Donetsk, Ukraine), took this photo near Kramatorsk (Donetsk, Ukraine), which is a wonderful natural sight. This regional landscape park provokes so many thoughts in our mind; don’t you think?

Photo of the Day | September 21 | Cows Area, by Sergey Tomas

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