Dancing White Fairy

At the very end of the rainbow, there is a beautiful country of bounty. There were abundance of everything, fruits and flowers, tress and plants, you name it and it was there. The people of that country were very happy and content, and they were good people, they loved to share what they had. There lived a little white fairy, she had a blue flower house. She had a beautiful voice to sing and could dance all day long. One day she was flying to a friend, when a storm came and blew her away. With the wind she visited a lot of countries, where she saw people who does not have much. So when she got back to her country she called upon everyone and told her stories and together they decided to share their wealth with all. That is why they made the rainbow, to share. And that is the story of the white dancing fairy with a blue house. Photographer Christopher Utano just missed her when he came to took this photo.

Blue, by Christopher Utano

Blue, by Christopher Utano

Article written by: Sadia Naheen
Inspired by: Photo of the Day | May 05 | Blue, by Christopher Utano

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