Flowers on Hill Top

It was in spring. We were travelling in Fujian, China. The weather was fine; we just had to put on a jacket besides our daily wear at home. On the third day of our tour, after lunch, we went to a new place of attraction at the recommendation and direction of the local contacts. It is not in our tour itinerary. The place is called Tangyun peak, which is on top of a hill, where the temperature is much lower and the wind is cold. We were going for a vehicle ride, or rather, a truck ride. The truck was specially designed, with large wheels, without cover on the top and quite open at the sides. Soon we boarded the truck, all seated and the driver started the engine. The circular route was mostly narrow, and the ride was fast, such that we had to handhold tightly to the rails or seats in front. Certain route enables only one truck to pass, and the other had to stop aside in advance, so as to let the opposite direction truck pass through first. The drivers signal by sounding horns. From the beginning of the ride, the wind was strong and chilling, and the truck ran fast on the curvy road that we were in high spirit. On the way, we saw unfamiliar plants blooming with beautiful flowers on the road side. However, we could not ask the driver to stop for a while, such that we might take snapshots with the flower. Stopping half way during the ride is out of the question.

Siri-Paye, by Imran Dawood

Siri-Paye, by Imran Dawood

This photograph of a hill top was taken by Imran Dawood, which shows flowers on top of the hill with background of mountains. The photographer took the photo in a hurry, before the rain. It reminds me of our hill top ride during the tour, that we were unable to take picture of flowers on the way.

Written by: Siew Bee Lim
Inspired by: Siri-Paye, by Imran Dawood

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