Shades of colors

Different aspects of our life come with a reminder of different shades of colors. It has shades of black, white, blue, green, yellow, and many more. Don’t you believe me? Then let’s take a trip down memory lane, when you make your fist day at school, can you remember that moment? Doesn’t it seem a little brighter? What about the first play that you won, wasn’t that moment a little white, or something very flashy? And then your first crush, the sensations that came with a blue shade? Your first love letter which was filled with pink? And the first feeling of losing someone very dear to you, the feelings that came with gray shades? So what comes in your mind when you look back to all these memories? Don’t you think that life comes with lots of shades? Is it because, we just forget to move forward these moments further in the routine struggles of our happening life. If not, then why someday, something sudden makes us to look in the past, and those colors rushes back to realize the feelings of shades we had back then.

Crafting with Color, by Ashik Masud

Crafting with Color, by Ashik Masud

Take a look at this image captured by photographer Ashik Masud, in a small boutique shops in Pokhara valley, Nepal, it is a reminder of those gloomy memories of colors we had at different stages of our lives. What’s your opinion then? Share your thoughts with us.

Article written by: Mohiuddin Ahmed
Inspired by: Photo of the Day | October 05 | Crafting with Color, by Ashik Masud

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