Stand for, Stand With

We live in the vicious circle of the doomed land and we are sure to get back to that state sooner or later. We’ll get back to dust and before we get back to the petty state where we can’t do anything, why not make a difference now? Return a little favour to our rich heritage wrapped country? Maybe we can’t but let’s try to give something to it as a souvenir of our love and respect .And before we do this, why don’t we all step together and reconcile all that our brave and mighty freedom fighters did for us and our beautiful country. Let’s remember all those millions of sacrifices and tonnes of blood that oozed out of their bodies to set us free. Moreover let’s teach the future generations to do the same, teach them to pay homage to those brave hearts. Didn’t the flag ask you questions? Didn’t the earth you stand on give you tremors? Get up and show everyone that they did no wrong while setting us free and making us secular to breathe free. Tell every outlander that we are taking the legacy forward and we too love our country from the deepest cores of our hearts because in our hearts they rule and make us remember every bit they did.A grand salute to the martyrs of the bestowed and blessed country.

To Victory, by Shahnaz Parvin

To Victory, by Shahnaz Parvin

This picture taken by Shahnaz Parvin shows two people from our next generations, colouring our beloved flag red and green.Along with that they are also colouring their dreams to make our country a prosperous one. Let’s stand by them and stand by our country with them.

Article written by: Irtifa Hasan
Inspired by: To Victory, by Shahnaz Parvin

2 replies
  1. vasas_photo
    vasas_photo says:

    Wow, what a great story. I love how it was told, along with a very good photograph of the story as well.


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