What it Takes to Return Home?

What it takes to return home? Is that really that simple? No, its not as simple as it sounds. Journey towards home is never easy. It takes courage and determination to find the way back, to your near and dear ones. Just like the photographs of this busiest long distance bus depots of Southern India, where all have to go a long way, a long journey to get back home. Our life is often a maze. Sometimes its easy to get lost in the crowd, where millions are around you with their unending activities. Just look at the photographs below, its from majestic Bangalore, a truly majestic city helping thousands of people reaching their homes.

What it Takes to Return Home?

Home Calling, by Achintya Guchhait

The photograph is taken by Photographer Achintya Kumar Guchhait, night before a long weekend, when people flock to return to their homes in neighboring states. Achintya a native Bangalore, likes to capture life as it is. How do you like the photograph? Share your thoughts with me!

Photo of the Day | May 01 | Home Calling, by Achintya Guchhait

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