The Artisans of the Moment

Light & Composition Registered Photographers

To us, our award-winning photographers are special; they are the artisans of the moment. Every month, we will highlight their winning photographs many times with the photographer's interview, in our vast social media. A genuine photographer should get registered with us to obtain the maximum exposure from our photographic network!

Registered Photographer 2024

John Peltier

John’s interest in photography started at the age of 17 during a photography class in his home town in Lake Tahoe, where there are unbelievable photographic opportunities. Photography has been more or less just a hobby for John for over ten years, until 2009 when he started to take it more seriously. He has gone from just taking pictures, to focusing more on composition and technical aspects. John’s favorite photographic subjects are landscapes, including hard-to-reach places with interesting and unknown stories, and has lately been trying to fuse history with his landscape photos. He has carried photographic equipment through jungles, deserts, and mountains just to be able to share these places with people who otherwise wouldn’t see them.
Registered Photographer 2024

Ahmed Al Badawy

Ahmed Mohammed Albadawy, Architect and Photographer. Born in Mansoura, Egypt, in 1985. He is one of the founders of Gozour, architecture and design studio “”. Ahmed started his photography career in April 2010. His photography perspective grows up dramatically with Architecture. From historical places his photography found it’s character and features. “Do what you like by the way you like, and ignore the complexity of the world” is one of simple principals in his life. He believes great talents can come from the simplicity of surrounding things and people are always good partners to feel his talents.
Registered Photographer 2024

Robert Chalmers

Robert Chalmers worked and traveled in China over a number of years, is widely traveled in Australia, and currently lives in England. He is exploring the capabilities of the new digital cameras, and finds the lightness and speed a bonus for capturing those fleeting moments. Robert is always learning, and while his work history reflects his passion for teaching in the EFL/ESL learning area, he continues his interest in linguistics into his extra curricula activities, researching ideas in specific language areas like multilingualism, and online learning technologies. Robert sees the necessity of continued learning as the only real pathway to knowledge, and the key to opening new ideas. He is interested in meeting people and ever expanding his contacts around the world. He finds other cultures and languages to have a deep fascination. As understanding grows about a culture it gives insights into the way the people of that language and culture think about the world. This has led Robert to the idea that multilingualism has benefits to society far beyond simple uses like business exchange. Cultural exchanges truly have greater value than is generally attributed to them. Working with people of cultures other than his own, has given Robert the ability to establish an easy rapport with students and academics alike, at all levels. For example in the Gong Lu High School, Pudong, Shanghai China. The word Gong Lu, meaning Workers Street. The children of this high school where Robert taught one day a week as part of a program initiated by the University, were the sons and daughters of local workers – people who would never come across a person from another culture in their entire lives. Photography is a way of capturing a moment in time and preserving it. To this end – Robert may be considered a Time Traveller.
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