The Artisans of the Moment

Light & Composition Registered Photographers

To us, our award-winning photographers are special; they are the artisans of the moment. Every month, we will highlight their winning photographs many times with the photographer's interview, in our vast social media. A genuine photographer should get registered with us to obtain the maximum exposure from our photographic network!

Registered Photographer 2024

Jim Alonzo

Jim Alonzo is a coffee-addicted Interior Designer, who loves photography, potato chips, and driving people mad. When Jim had his first Instamatic camera (Olympus) in college, he never knew that it is going to be one of his passions. He set up a small studio and took pictures of his sisters and when he saw the photos he had taken, he said to him “I think I’m loving this.” When the DSLR boomed into Dubai circuit, he bought his own DSLR, and from then on, he never stopped taking photographs. His favorite subjects to photograph are kids and landscapes. He believes that, maybe someday he will have the chance to meet the famous photographers around the world and have the chance to work with them.
Registered Photographer 2024

Escael Arsenio Marrero Avila

Escael Arsenio Marrero Avila is a Cuban-born photographer, who lives in Madrid, Spain. A graduate of photojournalism at the International Institute of Journalism “José Martí”, specialize in street photography. Escael loves the black and white medium, and has worked with different media and posted on various websites.
Registered Photographer 2024

Mehmet Masum Suer

Mehmet Masum Suer is a documentary photographer and freelance journalist living in city of Diyarbakir in Turkey. He began his career as a journalist in 1974, then worked for different agencies and newspapers of Turkey as a reporter, photo-journalist, writer, redactor and representative. He quit journalism after 1993, and got involved on his researches about history, culture and language. Mehmet Masum Suer has been taking photos professionally in different fields besides photojournalism since 2005. Suer takes pictures of historic places and buildings especially in citys of Diyarbakir, Mardin, Van and Hasankeyf. Meanwhile he has been involved on a project of taking photos of famous Kurdish artists. Cultural, historical values, and works of art are the subjects that take his attention. Suer also records the cultural festivals, and presentations as documentaries. Some of his exhibitions took place in Turkey, Iraq, Belgium and USA. Photos of Suer are especially used in touristic publications such as guide books, brochures, and postcards as well as they are used in international tourism fairs, newspapers, and magazines. Light & Composition, one of the biggest online universities for distance learning and research in the field of art and photography, has chosen 20 of Suer’s photos for their most prestigious photography award, where four of them won “Photo of the Month” in 2014. Suer placed in Light and Composition’s list of the “100 Best Photographers”. He also has many awards from international competitions of PSA and FIAP patronage. At the Arts and Culture Festival in the region of Federal Kurdistan in Iraq, he was awarded special honors. Four of his photos have been printed as postage stamps. Suer, is a member of Photographic Society of America (PSA) and Global Photographic Union (GPU) and Diyarbakir Amateur Photographers Association(DİFAK). Also is a photographer istock – Getty Images. Suer is a artist of the International Federation of Photographic Art (FIAP). He has the title and diploma of AFIAP.
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