Tag Archive for: Newly Registered

Karin Eibenberger
Karin Eibenberger (28) was born and raised in Waidhofen/Ybbs, Lower Austria. She has a Master’s Degree in Scandinavian and German literature and worked as freelance translator, tour and exhibition guide before she started her second career as Biomedical Engineer. Karin currently lives in Baltimore, US, where she works as research associate and Master Student at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine.

Matt Caguyong
Matt Caguyong always loved and appreciated the art of photography. He has been shooting with a DSLR since 2007. He is currently working in information technology and takes his Canon with him when traveling for work or for pleasure looking for anything that captivates him. He also does night life, event, some fashion, and sports photography when his time permits. He hopes to turn his passion for photography into his career someday.

Martin Meyer
Martin and Nicole Meyer (nee Schuttelaars) have been developing their unique brand of photographic, private safari’s and stock photography products and brand since July 2008. Basing their family in Cape Town, South Africa has seen this dynamic couple realize their dream of ‘thinking local and acting global’. Having amalgamated their core businesses they have a multi-faceted approach to their unique wellness safari’s, photographic galleries, publications and team-building business, offering a completely customized safari based business packages.
Martin is a qualified DEAT / FGASA field guide and internationally accredited Emergency Responder with extensive experience in leading 4WD safaris throughout Southern Africa as well as in the game parks of Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda. He has been active in establishing new routes and locations for various safari companies, has led photo safaris in Botswana, Namibia, Zambia and Zimbabwe. He has also guided scuba trips on the island of Zanzibar. Martin is thoroughly knowledgeable about all aspects of southern Africa’s natural history and fascinating cultures. His people skills and the love of the outdoors have made him a very sought after guide.