Tag Archive for: Newly Registered

Mike Dooley
Mike Dooley is a full time Software Quality Assurance Engineer by day, and an avid photographer in the rest of his free time. He is currently located in Warwick, Rhode Island, and spend much of his free time exploring every nook and cranny of the state. His home state is small in terms of actual size, but large and rich in our diversity. While the state is noted for its beautiful beaches right on the Atlantic Ocean, there are also endless miles of coastline ringing Narragansett Bay. Once away from the coastline one can find many acres of woodlands, farms and parks. It is many of these sites that he shares with everyone through his photography!
Mike believes photography is an art that lets loose the creative part of who he is. He enjoys all forms of photography, and his goal is to show things that perhaps one sees on a regular basis, but in a different way, a way that perhaps will make one stop and wonder. From a grand landscape to a simple pair of basketball sneakers left in the middle of the floor. He is an active member of PSRI, a local photography club that is a tremendous source of knowledge, friendship and inspiration.

Stefanie Laroussinie
Born in France, Stefanie Laroussinie, nickname Jacky, is passionate to photography since her childhood. She spend most of her life in Paris, however 4 years ago, after a calling of her heart, she decided to go and traveling, the only way to find herself as a free spirit. Currently Jacky and her partner, enjoy a simple life as travelers, cruising the world on the boat. She feels very lucky to see some amazing place where she can enjoy the photography as her passion…

Matthew Orlinski
Matthew Orlinski is a PhD student from Manchester, England studying Computer Science. He started thinking seriously about photography when his grandad gave him an old Pentax Super-A for Christmas about 3 years ago, along with a box full of old photographs – but he has had no formal training. The washed out old pictures of the farm workers where his grandad worked struck a chord and he thought to himself “he could do that”. Once he moved to Manchester he thought he’d try to capture what it’s like to live here by taking his camera out into the city. Its a great place to take pictures and improve his skills with so much happening and so many diverse people.