Tag Archive for: Santa Catarina

The Highest, by Rodrigo Luft
The building on the left is one of the highest of Brazil. I always love to get this sorts of perspective. In fact it is one of the tallest buildings in Latin America.
Award Winner: Photo of the Day | April 16
Award Score: 62 (Value 12,…

Shadow and Light, by Rodrigo Luft
A view from Balneário Camboriú, from the south breakwater, between river and sea. The light was unusual that day as a storm was approaching and the sun was on the horizon then.
Award Winner: Photo of the Day | September 23

Rooftops, by Rodrigo Luft
This shot was taken from my living room in Balneario Camboriu. It's a condominium, all the same shape. This is a kind of regular urban scene framed in this focal length.
Award Winner: Photo of the Day | May 03
Award Score: 59 (Value…