Tag Archive for: Satyam Roy Chowdhury

The Smile, by Satyam Roy Chowdhury
The little girl was waiting for her friends to come for playing at their home. I was photographing her from a distance, she saw her friends were coming towards her and smiled for them.
Award Winner: Photo of the Day | January 31

The Eyes of Innocence, by Satyam Roy Chowdhury
I was roaming around for some portraits in the village. I saw this girl looking at me curiously. I focused on her and got this composition.
Award Winner: Photo of the Day | January 29
Award Score: 67 (Value 12, Clarity 12, Composition…

Play Time, by Satyam Roy Chowdhury
These three sisters were playing at their home in the evening. They do not have enough clothes to wear but they still smile from the heart and enjoy life with full of joy.
Award Winner: Photo of the Day | January 27
Award Score: 68 (Value…