Tag Archive for: Shikchit Khanal Photography

Pensive Little Darling, by Shikchit Khanal
I took this photo in Dhapcha, Nepal just an hours walk from Namo Buddha. I saw this baby looking out the window with this pondering expression on his face. He smiled at me and was continue thinking.
Award Winner: Photo of the Day | September…

What Would Our Ancestors Think?
Have you ever wondered what our ancestors thought while they built extravagant monuments and buildings for themselves? Do you think they ever stopped to wonder what their sons and daughters would think about this grand architecture? Did they…

Thousand Years Old, by Shikchit Khanal
In the Spiti Valley, India there is a monetary said to be one thousand years old, built high on the mountain top. I took this photo when I had just arrived in the valley, and was amazed to see such a place so ancient and peaceful.