Tag Archive for: Sialkot

The Royal Fort, by Jabbar Jamil
It was a sunny day and this building was interesting with tiny subjects against plain sky. I took an image giving more weight to building as these subjects are looking interesting. It’s the entrance of the Royal Fort in Lahore, and the it…

Kids, by Jabbar Jamil
Just an hour outside of Sialkot City, there are number of villages in Bajwat. Bajwat is one of the most dangerous places to live in, as it is on the border with India. In recent years, number of people has lost their lives in different villages.…

Not a Fight, by Jabbar Jamil
I was passing through this village, where I saw some activity going on. Kids were playing a game. I took some photos there. When I looked into my photos afterwards; it seems kids are fighting in the photo, but they weren’t. I prefer to shoot…