Tag Archive for: Siddhant Chauhan

Winter Stroll by Ilyas Yilmaz
In this photo, there are two very cold girls who caught my eye while I was sitting in a coffee shop on Gaziantep University Boulevard and sipping my hot coffee. Even though they are very cold, they continue to walk towards their goals with the uneasiness of the snow. A photo that may inspire some of us!..

The Tale of Bizarre Tankards by Siddhant Chauhan
In deserted remains of an old Portugese fort in Mumbai, India, i found dozens of gourds lying in an open field surrounded by spooky walls. Quite an unexpected location to find such a thing. Soon while exploring the vicinity, found the locals…

The Struthious Syndrome by Siddhant Chauhan
While cruising through San Diego water world, i spotted this bunch of ducks cruising in the water like ballerina dancers. It took me a lot of patience to wait for the right moment to capture their synchronized motion but i finally succeeded…