Tag Archive for: Silvia Bukovac Gasevic Photography
Lucca by Silvia Bukovac Gasevic
Walking the streets of Lucca (city in Italy) at any time of the year is always inspiring. I always carry my camera with me whenever I go and I often carry a tripod too, but this time I didn't have a tripod and I had to rely on some other solutions like widening the aperture and shooting with higher ISO.
What Remains after Us by Silvia Bukovac Gasevic
The photo was created for the purposes of the basic colors exercise, so it bears the subtitle "Red". This is what remains after us and what is not good for nature, and it has to change. It has to be changed very quickly and it is red as an alert.
It’s Just an Onion by Silvia Bukovac Gasevic
This photo of onion was taken with a Canon 20D camera and a 50mm lens with one Multiblitz 250W studio light. It was a photography exercise for vegetable / still life photography with one flashlight in an improvised studio in my apartment back in 2005. I also used one softbox 70cm.