One-to-One Support

One-to-One Support Booking

We offers one-to-one meetings, in a form of friendly chat session, to support our students, photographers, journalist, photojournalist, postdoc, and fellow members. You may use these sessions to discuss about lessons, assignments, journals, your PhD research, fellowship applications, lectureship positions, moving in and out of academia, issues related to working in our team, development opportunities available to you, advertising and marketing opportunities, or even how to organize your CV, job searching – anything else you want to discuss.

We need at least three weeks leading up to arrange the support based on your most suitable time. To book an appointment please choose specific days, date, the most suitable one hour time, as well as your time zone.

  • Total Fees for One-to-one Support

SKU: 121-SPT-2019 Category:

General Support and Chat
We do have 24/7 support, where you may talk with our support team in the mentioned time below, however the reply time vary between 1-3 hours.

General Support Hours

Talk with an Expert: 8 a.m. to 10 a.m.
General Support Hours:  10 a.m. to 8 a.m.
Eastern Standard Time (UTC/GMT–4 hours) is followed.