Tag Archive for: Sudeep Mehta

The Little Crying Kid, by Sudeep Mehta
As I entered the fence, I saw this little kid crying. She was waiting for her mother and her elder brother was trying to console him.
Award Winner: Photo of the Day | March 26
Award Score: 67 (Value 13, Clarity 12, Composition 18, Style 12,…

Making Way through the Throng, by Sudeep Mehta
A cop from the Mumbai City Police instructs hundreds of thousands of mourners that filled the streets of the Indian city of Mumbai for the funeral of Mr. Bal Thackeray, one of the most divisive figures in Indian politics. It was one of the World's…

Innocent Patriot, by Sudeep Mehta
I found this kid selling Indian national flags on the streets of Mumbai on the eve of Independence Day of the Republic of India. I started cliking his photos and he quickly went down to peep in to my lens and that's when I captured this. Street…