Tag Archive for: Sunrise & Sunset Photography

Sunset over the Musel Dam, by Bawar Mohammad
It it always amazing to watch the sunset at Musel dam. The most interesting thing is that everyone can watch it from the top of Zawa mountain in Duhok city.
Award Winner: Photo of the Day | February 17
Award Score: 60 (Value 11, Clarity…

Rocky Sunrise, by Partha Roy
Singapore is not a landscape friendly country. So we have to work hard to find out a decent landscape location. This place is in the famous area of Singapore named East Coast Park. I went early to this place at around 5:45 am. It was still dark…

Burning City, by Partha Roy
"Morning shows the day" is a famous proverb which perfectly fits for this photograph. Once after contentious raining I saw this blue sky in the morning hours on the day when I taken this pic. I was carrying my camera gears and went early to…