Tag Archive for: Sylhet

The Snake on the Branch, by Saniar Rahman Rahul
Were you scared when the snake was coming towards you? A typical first question that I often get when people see this photograph. Well, who wouldn't be scared in such position? Though using a 300 mm lens gave some space between us, but standing…

Cattle Egret and Buffalo, by Saniar Rahman Rahul
Cattle Egret and Buffalo, you can find them always together. Either the cattle egret hitching a ride on a Buffalo, or catching insect and small vertebrate prey from the field while accompanying them. Though I took this from Shaistaganj in Kalenga…

Plain Tiger, by Saniar Rahman Rahul
The Plain Tiger or African Monarch, is a common butterfly of Indian Subcontinent. It flies from dawn to dusk, frequenting gardens, sipping from flowers and, late in the day, fluttering low over bushes to find a resting place for the night. This…