Tag Archive for: Central Park

Winter in the Park, by Des Brownlie
Central Park is a park in the middle of Manhattan running from Central Park South (59th st) on the south side to 110th st on the North and 4 avenues wide going from Broadway on the West to 5th ave on the East. It is a famous location with many…

Red Robin in Central Park, by Des Brownlie
A grey winter's day in early January walking through Central Park. All the trees have lost their leaves the sky is overcast with pending snow on its way. It is just a typical cold day with no color and what do I see. I saw this Red bird flying…

The Dancing Beauty, by Sandeep Nair
It was a very windy day and drizzling as well, I clicked more than 500 shots in the span of 3 hours to get this perfect pose.
Award Winner: Photo of the Day | January 17
Award Score: 65 (Value 11, Clarity 12, Composition 18, Style 12, Skill…