Tag Archive for: Edinburgh

Yaawwnnn…, by Kurien Koshy Yohannan
Got an opportunity to visit the Edinburgh Zoo recently. Though the entire focus is on the Giant Pandas at the moment, I for one love the big cats and hence take every opportunity to spend as much time as possible with these majestic beasts.…

Dispersion, by Kurien Koshy Yohannan
I have always found the Dandelion pod to be a very interesting photography subject and hence when I came across a few on a recent walk, I just had to photograph them. Though the fluffy nature of a full pod does make for an attractive image,…

Photographing Daisy, by Kurien Koshy Yohannan
Some of the best shots of flowers are got when the photographer gets down to eye-level of the flower being photographed. Though in some cases a top-down approach is effective, in most cases eye-level shots create some pretty amazing results.…