Tag Archive for: Sierra Nevada

A Moment to Live, by Munish Singla
It is really fascinating to see how nature attracts us. Every day People around the world get out of their busy and noisy city life to watch the sunset. To live that moment of peace with their loved ones without any worries. Each day they take…

A Beautiful Pier, by Munish Singla
Piers, docks, jetties… call them whatever you want to call them, they are always very captivating and mesmerize us with their beauty. With their breathtaking views, cool breeze and calmness they inspire us to explore, express ,love, forget…

Staying Balanced, by Joe Azure
I took a walk down by the shores of Lake Tahoe, but went down the wrong trail with no time to go back and try again. On the way down the hill I saw this log sitting on a rock and decided to photograph it. This location is located on the NE shore…