Tag Archive for: Sreemangal

The White-rumped Vulture, by Saniar Rahman Rahul
This is the White-rumped Vulture, an Old World vulture, which is possibly the most abundant large bird of prey in the world and often considered a nuisance, but is now rare, as they declined rapidly in numbers, up to 99.9% between 1992 and 2007.…

Standing Alone, by Shahnaz Parvin
It was very interesting for me to see this goose, which was standing alone near the shore, where as rest of the geese were on the water, roaming around together. Seemed like it was giving order to return them back to shore, or would get down…

Chasing Geese, by Shahnaz Parvin
It was like a small island, where some were catching fish, some just taking rest, and the young ones were playing around. This boy was chasing geese just for fun. It was behind the bazar of Tangiyar Hoar in the sub-district of Tahwepur. We went…