Tag Archive for: Tasmania

Native Lichen by Leanne Lindsay
We were trecking through the lush rainforest on a recent family adventure to Montezuma Falls in Tasmania when I noticed this Native Lichen up ahead, it up with a beam of light, beckoning me to come forward and take a look. The falls were absolutely breathtaking, cascading down through the heart of the rainforest, they were like something out of a fairytale. But this little patch of lichen fascinated me! Deep in the rainforest, sunlight filters through the canopy, painting the forest floor in emerald and gold. And nestled amongst the moss, these knobby, grayish-white lichen clung to an old log like miniature snow-dusted rocks. They weren't the flashiest things around, but there was something so captivating about their rough-and-tumble texture. I spent ages kneeling there, camera in hand, lost in this tiny universe unfolding beneath my feet.

The Lesson by Leanne Lindsay
On a family holiday to Tasmania, we decided to hike through a beautiful rainforest to a spectacular waterfall. Half of the family turned back during the walk as it was quite a hike, but my eldest grandson and I decided to push on. The rainforest we were walking through was thousands of years old but bore the scars of gold mining – old, abandoned mine shafts, leftover pieces of tram tracks, and abandoned mining equipment littered the rainforest. However, the rainforest was taking back its territory; the tram tracks were disintegrating and had moss and lichen growing over them. I used this opportunity to teach my grandson about the destructive nature of mining and how we must preserve our rainforests and native vegetation. I am also teaching him photography, so I set the camera up on a tripod, set the timer, and took this photo. It was one of those moments you want to remember.

Downhill Skating, by Blair Horgan
This photo of Downhill Skating sums up why I love doing what I do. Just around the corner from my house is the perfect section of downhill road just made for downhill skateboarding. Recently I've taken to action photography, new camera and amazing…