Tag Archive for: Tobermory

Roots! by Anna Cicala
While in Tobermory which has wonderful views of the Bruce Peninsula I took another one of my famous hikes and see this incredible, massive tree. I had thought to myself I can only imagine how many years, decades this tree's been around, how many stories it could tell and that lead me to think about us as humans how many stories we can pass on, our ancestors, generations before and ahead of us that can tell all the stories we can share along the way.

Red Tulips, by Mazhar Hossain
I took this photo at Tobermory in Ontario. When everyone else was visiting the sweet shop, I was busy taking photos of this beautiful red tulips.
Award Winner: Photo of the Day | June 14
Award Score: 66.5 (Value 12, Clarity 12, Composition…

I Stand Still, by Mazhar Hossain
I took this photo in front of a local sweet shop at Tobermory on our way back to the hotel. It was a rainy day, which made the tulips look more beautiful.
Award Winner: Photo of the Day | June 10
Award Score: 66.5 (Value 12, Clarity…