Tag Archive for: The United Kingdom

Skywards, by Jabbar Jamil
The places I have visited so far, I found Canary Wharf is the best place for shooting height perspective. I didn't wander a lot for good angle, just clicked it while passing by, because buildings were giving height perspective. My wide angle…

Taking Off, by Jabbar Jamil
I took this photograph during our trip through different beaches in Cornwall, United Kingdom. This pathway between rocks was excellent to photograph. This bird took the place of focal element in the frame. I shot this photo with fixed focal…

Alone, by Dariusz Stec
The picture has been taken in our photography studio last month. Her eyes and her expression was so doleful and her pose so mature. She was magical in the studio.
Award Winner: Photo of the Day | April 17
Award Score: 69.5 (Value 13, Clarity…