Tag Archive for: The United States
Crystal Mill, by Steve Hirsch
Crystal Colorado is basically a ghost town 4 miles from Marble Colorado accessible by hiking and jeep tour. After my wife Sheila and I with our friends Barry and Shelly took this jeep tour to arrive in Crystal we were greeted by this old mill.…
Daisy, by Ronnie Glover
Winters are dark and long in Anchorage, Alaska. Summer days bring nearly 20 hours of daylight and fields of wildflowers. In this image, I tried to capture a feeling of the happiness and brightness that the Alaska summer brings after such a winter.…
Hanging Lakes, by Steve Hirsch
The snowfall in the winter of 2011 was a record in Colorado which led to a massive runoff in the spring. With my wife Sheila and good friends Barry and Shelly, we set out on this climb of 1 1/2 miles up to Hanging Lakes in Glenwood Colorado.…