Tag Archive for: Travel Photography

22082012 1s

Simplicity, by Ryszard Wierzbicki

The picture was taken in Amarapur in Myanmar. April 2012. The wooden bridge U Bein K is the only connection in between 2 villages, where people are heading to. Award Winner: Photo of the Day | August 22 Award Score: 65 (Value 11, Clarity…
20082012 1s

Two Sisters, by Shikchit Khanal

Once I traveled to Namo Buddha for a permaculture course. On our day off, our teacher took us to his wife's village in Dhapcha, Nepal, just an hour’s walk from Namo Buddha. Along the way, we came across these very happy sisters playing near…
18082012 1s

The Naughty Gang by Somnath Chakraborty

Most active gang I have ever seen. Each and every one can run relentlessly, can spoil themselves by mud severely, can babble tremendously, and can think and ask innocently. Near Pujali at Ganga river bank, I found these curious enthusiastic…
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