Tag Archive for: Travel Photography

Photo of the day 04072010

Inter-continental Fireworks, by Orhan Aksel

I took this photo in New Year's Eve 2009-10 in Istanbul. The body of water is Bosphorus, the natural divider of Asia and Europe. The far side is Asia, The side I took the picture is Europe. I was in sea water to my ankles to clear the celebrating…

Tourists by Minh Nghia Le

Shot through a dirty window with only one small clean spot. It was taken on September, 2009 at Château de Versailles, Paris. Award Winner: Photo of the Day | June 30 Photo of the Day Award Category: Travel Photography Photograph…

The Path to Paradise, by Robin Vetrady

The photograph was taken on the way to Thajiwas Glacier, near Sonmarg, Kashmir, India in October 2009. The mountains had got the first snow showers of the winter a day ago and so it was a perfect day to visit the place. Award Winner:…
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