Tag Archive for: Tufanganj

Jackward Loom, by Nirupam Roy
Jackward Loom was invented by Joseph Jackward. It becomes helpful to the workers of this profession. It’s very easy to handle and more profitable to the owners. Actually I went to Mansai with some of my fellow friends. There Sanjay said it…

Thinking Alone, by Nirupam Roy
I was not in the intention of capturing bird photography, then saw this bird, who seemed to be sitting there and thinking alone. I love this moment.
Award Winner: Photo of the Day | June 17
Award Score: 62 (Value 11, Clarity 11, Composition…

Animated, by Nirupam Roy
The shot was taken by Canon PowerShot SX 40HS in the earlier time in my photography career. At that time the concentration was on the wild life and specially on the common kingfishers and their different animations and activities. This was the…