A University Ambassador


A Light & Composition University Ambassador is someone who enjoys meeting new people, encourages others to get involved creatively and is happy to help them how they can get enrolled to the courses, diplomas, graduate, post graduate, and doctorate programs. If you are someone who is always eager to help out; ensuring new learners settle in and make the most out of their time while at this University website at the same time looking for an online, well-paid job with good career prospects – this is the perfect job for you.

• Invite learners and get them enrolled.
• Help them feel comfortable learning with us.
• Show them some of the basic navigations of the website so they easily settle in.
• Support with organizing online social events
• Encourage learners to get involved and achieve certain goals, events, and activities.

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Who Can be a Light & Composition University Ambassador?

• You must feel that this is your university.
• You know what programs we offer and how to start them.
• You are someone friendly, approachable and happy to answer questions.
• You love to take the lead on hosting events and encourage others to get involved.
• You love to use your creative talents to support the team.
• You love to share your experiences.
• If you are already a student/registered member in any of our programs.
• You have an excellent communication skills.
• You are respectful of others and different cultures.
• You are someone who is willingness to share ideas.
• You are honest, considerate and patient.
• Reliable and observant of when others need support.
• Confident talking in front of large groups and one-to-one situations.
• Energetic and enthusiastic with drive to want to succeed.
• Willingness to learn and go above and beyond.
• A pro-active attitude.
• Team working and organisational skills.
• An understanding for and empathy with individuals from a wide variety of backgrounds.

Below we have listed down the five most important steps that help you get the maximum engagement and will make sure you get the earning you need as a university ambassador:

Step 1: Know Your Core Job Responsibly

Helping people for learning is for sure a nobel task, but at the end of the day this is a real job and most people want to earn money from it. Considering that we have designed the task of a university ambassador similar to an affiliate when it comes to earning money, however, our university will give you back more than just the commissions.

We are committed to double the commissioned amount if you work hard. If you want to use that commissioned amount to get enrolled into a course, diploma or a program, you can do that by simply paying only 50% of any course fees. To do all that, from earning, getting the commission, knowing the programs this university offers, do follow each of the steps below … However, if you have any question you can always ask our 24/7 support, we are ready to help.

You need to know about how our curriculum, academic journals, publications, award, extracurricular, and virtual learning environment make us one of the best open universities in the world. We have listed down some of the most populars programs we offer below. Please visit the links to know them:

B.S. in Photography
B.F.A. in Photojournalism
Diploma in the Fundamentals of Photography
Diploma in Food Photography
Diploma in Nature Photography

Step 2: Know Your Ambassador Dashboard

Learn to Monitor Your Work, Commission, Clicks, Payments, How to Generate Link, and Settings

Once you sign up as ambassador, you are eligible to earn commission for every share you make as long as the link you share has your ambassador/affiliate ID. Any link containing your affiliate id let you monitor who clicks it and who get enrolled. So, your first task is to generate the affiliation links. You can do that inside the Ambassador dashboard. Check the separate navigation inside the Ambassador Dashboard. We have made it user friendly. You can get used to it quickly.

ambassador dashboard

“Get Paid” section under your account dashboard is exactly same as Ambassador Dashboard. It just gives you an easy access inside your user dashboard.

Get Paid

Step 3: Generate Your Affiliate Links – the Most Important Step of Your Work

Generating affiliation link is one of the most important step of your work, without this your earning cannot be tracked. The affiliation link for any course, diploma, program, or publications from this Light & Composite University website requires the addition of a reference variable in the query string with the related affiliate ID assigned. For example: https://www.lightandcomposition.com/?ref= 2773. To get a link like this follow the steps below.

Copy the Link of the Programs or Publications that you want to want to share from the URL tab by visiting that page and copy it.

Copy Link

Go to the Generate Link Section Under Ambassador Dashboard and paste it in Page URL filed inside of that page than click Generate Link.

Generate Link

Once done generating the link, copy the Referral URL, and you are ready to share this Referral URL to Social Media and be creative when you do so. Read the next step to know how to do that.

Step 4: Share Your Affiliate Links in Different Social Media

Once your get the affiliate links, you need to share these links is various social media, simply because, social media is the place where people share what they value most, which is poles apart from typical media; here, one can experience the result almost instantly. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, Snapchat, and LinkedIn are among those few that have been changing the way we share. We have divided the social media into two groups based on active and passive share system. Please go through each of them and know how to share your award in them.

Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, LinkedIn, and WhatsApp (only for mobile devices) support active share. They allow you to share a photo or video from another website, that is why their share button is directly available in your award page. You just need to use those button to share them, and can be done in a matter of seconds.

Instagram is a passive social media when it comes to share anything other than the images. It simply means, they currently don’t allow you to share a photo or video from another website – you can only upload photos/videos directly from your mobile devices.

Sharing the link of your award photographs cannot be done directly. You can either put that link of your Light & Composition University photographer’s profile as your website link in your Instagram profile, or put each of the award photograph link there. Do make the Photo story in Instagram with each of your award photographs.

Alternatively you can share those links by using direct message or as a reply of a comment in Instagram. However, please ask them first that do they want to visit your awarded page in an university website and leave a review there or not. If the response is affirmative, you may only then can share your award link with them, else Instagram system may count it as spam if you share the same link with many people and may block your direct message feature for a certain number of days.

Don’t simply just share the link in both active and passive social media. Be creative, write few lines about the program or a course and politely ask your friends, family, and especially those people who care about you. Invite them to get enroll or just share stories of your grade if you are our student like one of our students and ambassadors José Juniel Rivera-Negrón.


You may just choose to use only one active/passive social media, but each of them are unique and they have their own kinds of audiences, that is why we encourage one to share at least in 3-5 different social media.

Step 5: Getting Paid

Exploring the Commission Earned and Getting Paid

A successful enrolled or any university press publication purchases generate a commission amount that we will pay to you. Typically, you earn 10% from every completed purchased. Commission percentage applied to the amount of each course, program, or publication. All the commissions generated by the enrolment or orders are stored in the “Commissions” section of Ambassador dashboard or “Get Paid” section of your account dashboard.

To Get Paid, go to the “setting” of your Ambassador Dashboard and insert your PayPal Email.

paypal email