Enrolment Status
You Have Successfully Enrolled
Thank you for enrolling. As our courses, diplomas, and majors are online based, we understand sometimes it might be difficult for some to apprehend how the course works. Here is few basic steps that you need to do.
Step 1: Visit “Your Active Courses” page
“Your Active Courses” page is where your enrolled courses are listed. Click the title of the course to enter into it. Once entered, you can see all its lessons listed. Simply start your lesson by clicking one of the lessons.
Step 2: Follow the Lesson Instruction (Important)
Each lesson is especially designed to let you get the best out of this course. It instructs one to read certain number of pages from the lesson materials and participate in the quiz.
Step 3: Quizzes (Important)
Quizzes are the most important part of a any prerequisites language module. Our lesson materials and guides are written based on how one can do these quizzes. Reading the lesson materials and then not doing the quiz will certainly not help your learning process. Please do not bypass any quiz.